Please Welcome Marisa Greene to the Dark Net Team!

I’d like to welcome my friend Marisa Greene to Notes from the Dark Net. I think it will be nice to get some slightly different perspectives on here, especially for areas of YA I don’t read as much. All posts will now be categorized by reviewer name, and I’ll be crediting each reviewer just under the book information section that comes after the cover and quote. And without further ado!

My name is Marisa Greene, and Nick has graciously asked me to contribute some reviews to his site. Since I don’t hang around much online, I don’t get to talk about books as much as I’d like to. So I’m glad to have the chance to do formal book reviews on this blog. I think I’m going to enjoy it.

I’m also hoping this will provide me with a push to read more and more recent books. I haven’t read as much as I used to lately, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to change that. Posting here could be my solution.

I’m starting off with Nick’s format for reviews, but I won’t know how I like it until I’ve posted a few. I might change it up a little after awhile.

Anyway, glad to be here, and looking forward to the experience.


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